
The 17th Round 2023/2024 is closed. The 18th Round 2024/2025 opens August 15th 2024.
The fully completed application for the 18th Round should be submitted before November 1st 11:59 PM (23.59 CET) 2024. Click on the button at the bottom of this page to enter the online application form. Please first read the instructions carefully.

Parts A and C are to be completed in English, part B should be filled out in Dutch. After entering the main applicant’s e-mail address (in part C), you can save the form using the ‘Intermediate save’ button at the bottom of the form. An e-mail will be sent to this address containing a weblink that enables you to enter the application form again and to work in it further.

Downloads - will be updated by Augusts 15th 2024

Call 2023/2024 

Reviewform Scientific Quality 2023-2024

Voortgangsrapportage 2024 (Progress report form)

Richtlijn Patiëntenpanel (referred to in question B4 of the Application form)

Instructie videopresentatie