
Sixteenth round (2023) - supported studies

Mr. J.J.W. Kuiper, PhD
PILOT: Profiling T cell receptors in the inflamed eye
Mr. W.D. Ramdas, MD, PhD
Understanding glaucoma progression: vascular risk-factors and gene-environment interactions
Mrs. C Koster, PhD, ir.
Transplantation of RPE cells on a supramolecular membrane as a regenerative treatment for AMD
Mr. J. Wijnholds, PhD
Human retina-on-a-chip platform
Mr. G. Porro, MD, PhD and Mrs. Prof. S. Imhof, MD, PhD
Pupil perimetry: An automated and objective visual field test for neurologically impaired children
Mr. Prof. M. Kamermans, PhD
Analysis of the development of infantile nystagmus and the associated low visual acuity?
Mrs. Prof. N.E. Schalij-Delfos, PhD and Mrs. L.E. van der Meeren, PhD
Placenta as a predictor for Retinopathy of Prematurity (PAPforROP)
Mrs. Prof. S.M. Imhof, PhD and Mr. G.L. Porro, PhD
KIZZ NEXT: Child Central nervous system tumors Insight in Sight, a nationwide prospective study
Mrs. I. Klaassen, PhD
Spatial multi-omics profiling of human diabetic macular edema
Mr. L.J.P. Pauleikhoff, PhD
PILOT: Go With The Flow: Dissecting the choroid and treatment response in central serous chorioretinopathy
Mr. A. Garanto, PhD and Mr. Prof. M.A.A.P. Willemsen
PILOT: Elucidating the lipid map of the retina by studying Sjögren Larsson Syndrome
Mr. M. Naber, PhD
PILOT: PupGaze: convenient and objective perimetry based on the integration of gaze- and pupil-based approach
Mrs. J.E. Vergroesen, MSc.
A gut feeling: associations between the microbiome and age-related eye diseasesp
Mrs. A.M. Arends-Tjiam, MD, PhD and Mr. H.R. Taal, MD, PhD
Optimizing the treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity in the Netherlands
Mrs. B.J. Benedikter, PhD and Mr. Prof. C.A.B. Webers, PhD
Purification of human retinal ganglion cells for research on optic nerve protection and regeneration
Mr. T.G.M.F. Gorgels, PhD and Mrs. W. You, MSc.
Targeting Mitochondria to protect Retinal Ganglion Cells in Glaucoma
Mrs. Prof. C.C.W. Klaver, PhD
Prediction of the course of age-related macular degeneration using artificial intelligence
Mrs. A.A.H.J. Thiadens, MD, PhD
A glaucoma study on genetics, morphology and environmental risk factors in different ethnicities
Mr. D. Panneman, PhD and Mrs. S.E. de Bruijn, PhD
Leveraging long-read sequencing to identify mRNA defects in probands with inherited retinal diseases
Mrs. M.J. de Boer, PhD
PILOT: Quantif-eye: Optimising diplopia treatment by quantifying disordered eye movements
Mr. Prof. R.W.J. Collin, PhD and Mr. M.M. Dickman, MD, PhD
Towards an RNA-therapy for Fuchs dystrophy
Mr. Prof. R. Roepman, PhD and Mr. E de Vrieze, PhD
Harnessing autophagy to combat macular degeneration
Mrs. P. Serrano Martinez, MSc.
The role of gut microbial metabolites in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy
Mrs. Y.T.E. Lechanteur, MD, PhD and Mr. Prof. C.B. Hoyng, PhD
PILOT: Prospective evaluation of complement components and activation markers in patients with AMD

Seventeenth round (2024) - supported studies

Mr. J.J.W. Kuiper, PhD
Complement Signatures Across Retinal Diseases for Enhanced Precision Medicine
Mr. E.H.C. van Dijk, PhD
Steroids and the choroid: an astonishing combination
Mr. J. Wijnholds, PhD and Mr. E.H.C. van Dijk, PhD
Human retina-on-a-chip platform
Mr. R. Verdijk, MD, PhD and Mr. Prof. G.P.M Luyten, MD, PhD
Iris melanoma is a separate molecular genetic class of melanoma, potential for prognostics
Mr. J. Wijnholds, PhD
Dual AAV vector RP1 mRNA trans-splicing therapy
Mrs. S.A. Jadhav, MSc. and Mr. T.T.J.M. Berendschot, PhD
PILOT: Identification of Blood-Based Diagnostic Biomarkers for Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy
Mr. W.D. Ramdas, MD, PhD
Genetic associations with glaucoma: prediction, myopia and corneal parameters
Mrs. D.T. Hartong, MD, PhD
PILOT: The effect of prosthetic shape change on motility and symmetry
Mrs. Prof. N.E. Schalij-Delfos, PhD and Mrs. L.E. van der Meeren, PhD
Placenta As a Predictor for Retinopathy Of Prematurity (PAPforROP)
Mrs. D. Swinkels, PhD and Mr. A Garanto, PhD
Lipids & Disease: Investigating the role of lipids in retinal disorders to find therapeutic targets
Mr. T.G.M.F. Gorgels, PhD and Mrs. W. You, PhD
Repurposing carbonic anhydrase inhibitors for rescuing dying retinal ganglion cells in glaucoma
Mrs. S.F. Janssen, MD, PhD
Childhood glaucoma in the Netherlands
Mrs. J. Ossewaarde-van Norel, MD, PhD and Mrs. M.E.J. Van Velthoven, MD, PhD
Biomarkers in the management of primary inflammatory choriocapillaropathies
Mr. Prof. J.D. van Buul, PhD and Mrs. M. Dallinga, PhD
PILOT: Cornea repair: focus on endothelial integrity
Mrs. B.J. Benedikter, PhD and Mr. Prof. C.A.B. Webers, PhD
NAMPT: a novel blood biomarker for susceptibility to glaucomatous damage?
Mrs. E. Emri, PhD
From albinism to AMD and beyond: is L-DOPA a potential drug against pigment-related retinal disease?
Mr. Prof. R. Collin, PhD and Mr. E. van Wijk, PhD
PILOT: Personalized treatment for retinal disease patients with ultrarare mutations
Mr. H.H.L.M. Goossens, PhD and Mrs. B. Huurneman, PhD
Sensitivity for visual perceptual learning in children and adults with low vision
Mrs. C. Koster, PhD, Ir. and Mr. Prof. C.J.F. Boon, MD, PhD
Next-level gene therapy: virus-free CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene correction for retinitis pigmentosa
Mrs. I. Klaassen, PhD
Validation of a zebrafish model to study BRB breakdown in diabetes and retinal conditions
Mrs. Prof. C.C.W. Klaver, MD, PhD
Towards a roadmap for therapy and management of Geographic Atrophy
Mrs. V.J.M. Verhoeven, MD, PhD and Mrs. M. Tjon-Fo-Sang, MD, PhD
M3: Mendelian High Myopia Patient Management and Optimization
Mr. R.H.W.E. van der Weide, PhD and Mr. Prof. J. Kind, PhD
PILOT: The Genomic Nightshift: Mapping Nocturnal Gene Regulation in Retinal Organoids
Mr. Prof. R. Roepman, PhD and Mr. E. de Vrieze, PhD
The cone photoreceptor cell degeneration switch – a single cell comparative approach
Mrs. Y. Lechanteur, PhD
Complement profiling in age-related macular degeneration
Mrs. P. Serrano Martinez, MSc.
iPSC models from patients carrying the ARMS2/HTRA1 risk variant to study RPE-CC disruption in AMD
Mr. R.O.B. de Keizer, MSc., MD
Biomarkers in ocular sebaceous carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva